Pacoima Urban Greening

How can public investment address environmental concerns and promote sustainable living?

Through community workshops, Pacoima residents expressed their needs and desires for enhanced public infrastructure, including improved pedestrian right-of-ways, increased parks and parklets, landscaping, and lighting. It was clear from this process that residents wanted a plethora of projects in their neighborhood and while all were beautiful visions for Pacoima, not all can be implemented. Based on the community needs, LA-Más directed research and analysis on a variety of sites to find which projects and sites were most feasible.

The analysis and research included hydrology considerations as well as street and public space improvements. From these findings, LA-Más created renderings of the transformed spaces, using both the practical considerations and creative expertise of the LA-Más team.

Findings from the studies helped to inform the Pacoima Urban Greening Vision Plan.

This project was funded by the Urban Greening Grant from the California Strategic Growth Council, awarded to Pacoima Beautiful, our project partner.
